This weblog is dedicated to promoting, discussing and possibly saving print media. At the same time, the author reserves the right to include other topics such as education, environmental issues, parenting, politics and whatever else is on my mind. The author will try to steer clear of personal drivel, though personal opinions will freely flow. [august 2007]

UPDATE 9/3/8: Though the author of this weblog still wishes to preserve print media and promote reading for the masses, the content of the posts has been rather random. First there was an overflow of thoughts, ideas and sites to share, then there was none. At the time of this entry, the author is trying to work on a personal writer’s block and will be using this blog as an outlet and motivational source. Bear with me- I will get my flow back in order. Meanwhile, I will probably have some more random entries and hopefully, more book reviews, too. After all, even if I am not a writer, I am definitely still a reader.

Autumn 2010: I am reviving the blog after being on a self-imposed hiatus in which I worked on a new young adult novel, among other things. I intend to focus this blog more on sharing how I keep my writing flow going and to offer ideas, resources and loads of empathy to anyone else struggling to find their writing flow. I will of course continue to blog freely on other aspects of life that I just can’t shut up about.


Hello World!- August 1, 2007